WhatsApp/Phone: 07456078661 | Email: chrisrobeypt@outlook.com

Who are we?
Chris Robey - Head Coach & Founder At Stuck To Striving Coaching
In a world full of social media, coaches, programmes, quick fixes and fad diets, it can be hard to know what to do or where to turn when it comes to receiving help with our health and fitness. The conflicting advice that we see online and hear from those around us can make it all too overwhelming to know what to do, and although some of these approaches might get us off the ground?
The majority unfortunately don't help us to achieve and sustain a life changing result.
Here at Stuck To Striving coaching, we work only with a certain type of person.
Someone who has been struggling with their health and fitness for a long time, someone who is fed up of yo-yoing with their results, and someone who desperately needs to be shown how to get this whole health and fitness thing right, the right way.
As a coach with over a decade of experience who's dedicated a lot of time, energy and money into developing my craft, I now have the health and fitness skills, the communication skills and the very important understanding of what it takes to help someone to achieve and sustain a life-changing result.
A change that doesn't just look like someone losing weight, but one that will help someone to live a life where they look, feel, think and live their absolute best.
A life full of energy, confidence, health and happiness. A life where they can show up for themselves as an individual better, but also for the people around them who need them at their best - whether that be partners, kids, friends, colleagues etc...
At Stuck To Striving coaching, we provide our clients with the plans, support, accountability and guidance to ensure deep, true and meaningful changes are made.
The programme focuses on one sole outcome for our clients - to take our clients from feeling very stuck with their health, fitness, energy and confidence, to striving.
We don't expect our clients to be perfect, we don't expect our clients to get everything right straight away, and we don't expect them to not make mistakes...
We simply ask them to know why it is they're wanting to make a change, to commit to making a change, and to reach out for help when needed.
With these commitments in place from both the coach and the client?
Incredible, sustainable and life-changing results can be achieved.
Chichester College - Level 3 Personal Training & Fitness Instructing
Attending college saw me undertake and pass multiple exams and qualifications. This includes personal training and fitness instructing where I learned how to programme for and work with clients, aswell as circuit training and kettlebell training.
Mac Nutrition University
Distinction Level Pass
Mac Nutrition University is an online evidence based nutrition course. This course allowed me to further improve my knowledge around nutrition, giving me the practical skills and confidence needed to guide and support our clients towards success.
This course taught me a lot not just about nutrition, but also how to listen, understand and work with each client on a personal 1-2-1 basis. This has and will continue to ensure that each and every person who joins us will have their very own specific needs met.
Authority Network & High Performance Coaching
2022 - To Date...
As with any learned knowledge in life, as times goes on things change. What once worked no longer does, and what may have previously been an optimal approach for a client to take is no longer relevant.
Investing in coaching mentorships has allowed me as a coach to stay on top of and consistently improve my craft. This ensures that myself as a coach am not being left behind when it comes to up to date coaching knowledge, but most importantly, this ensures that our clients are always recieving the very best, most relevant and up to date service.